I translate them to you, it is a song about independent, free, and simple Armenia
Yes voch antnum em, voch el taragir (I am no homeless, neither a foreigner)
Unem hangrvan, unem otevan (I have a haven, I have an asylum)
Azat Hayreniq, yerjanik yerkir (A free motherland, a happy country)
Yerjanik, yerjanik yerkir (A happy, happy country)
Barov aragil, bari aragil (Good stork, good stork)
Aragil garnan, aragil amrran (The stork in the springtime, the stork in the summertime)
Im tan mot aprir, bakhti aragil (Around my home it lives, stork of the fortune)
Byun hyusir dzarrin (At the tree, it plaints a burrow)
Bardu katarir (In the poplar's crest)
Aragil, indz het urakh govergir (Stork, praise gladly with me)
Yayla u vran (At the mountain pasture and at the tent)
Hander hotevan (With the herd in the pasture)
Arter, ayginer, manushak yerkinq (Cornfields, gardens, a violent sky)
Manushak, manushak yerkinq (A violent, a violent sky)
It is quite hard to translate accurately from Armenian to English and I have done my best, it is more accurate when translated to French but I can't speak french
Hope I've helped