Re: Členové Scars on Broadway
Nějaký info z cesty od Frankyho:
"We have a layover in Amsterdam... NO SLEEP TIL BAGHDAD!"
Atlanta, Amsterdam, Kuwait, and then Iraq. Needless to say it a long fucking trip!
We are guests in their country and we all know to respect their customs.
All of the guys including myself love to joke around, but there's a time and a place for everything.
Its Ramadan right now and we were given a whole new set of rules from those of my previous trip.
The band got briefed last night regarding what to expect once we get to kuwait.
Jinak včera bylo v Bagdádu docela peklíčko - teroristi, určitě jste slyšeli... Tak doufám, že byli "Scars" někde daleko...
Tohle je trochu mimo, ale líbilo se mi to... Napsal to na facebooku Dave Odadjian Sevagu Tankianovi: "You Tankians with you hair... Think you can be mean to us Odadjians and our balding gene... You make me sick. "